



Install the app and log in with a name (nick is enough) and your phone number (it has to be correct). Now you can create a tour, register for it and invite everyone to join in. Those invited must have the app installed to view the tour and then also register. One member of the group must volunteer to be the treasurer. When the time comes, the treasurer will open the cash register. Registrations are no longer possible but cash deposits, expenses or private withdrawals can be made. Importantly, every booking must be confirmed by someone else before it is booked.At the end of the tour, the treasurer closes the tour. The “Compensation” list now shows who has to pay how much to whom and who gets money. Debtors can then signal that they have paid off the debt by tapping the “Paid” button on the “Settlement” list. When all debtors have settled, the cash register is automatically closed and frozen.